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Standart Mary ın the koran


Mary and Prophet Jesus Christ are the very first personalities about whom people stir controversy and argue most. As in the period during which the Koran was descended the situation was the same, Our Supreme Rabb (The Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer) explained the actual fundamental information regarding these two persons and sealed the issue in the Surah of Maryam by saying, “According to the rightful words, the persons people keep being in disputes are Mary’s son Jesus Christ.

This means that the only sturdy information in this topic is available in the Koran and it must be deemed that the information given in the Koran is satisfactory. Rest must be left to the archaeological developments.

In fact, the age in which Mary and prophets Jesus Christ and Zachariah lived are not known accurately. Mary and Prophet Jesus when the relation of the Christ with the Essenes in Kumran is taken into account, and since the information belonging to the years of 500 BC has been neglected, Mary and Prophet Jesus Christ must have lived between the years of BC. 400- 200. We provided this topic in our article entitled Prophet Jesus Christ in more details.

We present the issue in the light of the verses in different parts of the Koran regarding Mary and Jesus Christ.

As we learn from the Koran, Mary and Her son Jesus Christ are a verse, an indicator, for humans.

91And as for that woman who meticulously protected her chastity; We informed her with our reliable knowledge. We made her and her son evidence/a sign for all worlds [Al-Alemin].

Al-Mu'minun/ 50:
50And We made son of Mary and mother of Jesus evidence/sign and settled them on a hill that had water and was suitable for living.

Mary is a personality who sets an example to humanity:

At-Tahrim: 12:
12And Allah has given the example of Mary, daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity like a castle. We informed her but a little with Our Wahy [Revelation]. And she confirmed the words and scriptures of her Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] and she was devoutly respectful.

Meaning of the word MARY

The word “ مريم Mary” is a word that is in the form of “ مفعل mef’al.” It is possible that the word was derived from the verb of “ رام rame” which means “departing a place.” However, as this noun is mentioned in two places in the Holy Scriptures as the name of the sister of Prophet Moses it shows that the word has a Hebrew root as well.

It the New Testament [Bible], this word takes place 53 times as Marim, Maria, and Mariamme. Exact meaning of these words is not known clearly. By commentators, regarding the word “Mary,” some meanings like “sea drop,” “sea star,” “bound with God,” “lover of God,” “lady,” “illuminating ,” “chubby”, “princes,” “proud”, “beautiful person,” “perfect person” have been suggested.

The word “Mary” is mentioned in the Koran for 34 times in the form of a name and 1 time as “She,” totaling to 35 times.

Many of what has been written regarding Mary’s identity and family, and the age She lived in are imaginative and there is no sufficient information and document in the Christian sources in this regard.

Her family:
While there is no comprehensive information given in the Koran, as understood from 35th verse of the Surah of Ali ‘Imran, the name of Her father is Imran. No information regarding whether Imran was dead or alive before Mary was born or about Imran’s occupation was given in the Koran and there is also no information in the Christian sources as well.

The remarks that the name of Mary’s mother was “Hanna,” that She was the sister-in-law of Prophet Zachariah, the name of Prophet Zachariah’s wife [Mary’s aunt] was “Elizabeth” are not conclusive because as in the Tabari History, such remarks are based on the unproven Christian sources.

Let us follow the Mary phenomenon from the Koran.
Ali ‘Imran; 33-37:
33,34Surely, Allah favored Adam, Noah, Abraham and his family and the family of Imran descending from each others lineage- over all worlds [Al-Alemin]. And Allah is the Most Hearing, the Most Knowing.

35When the wife of Imran said: “O my Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]! I surely have devoted the child in my womb for you. So accept it from me, You surely are the Most Hearing, the Most Knowing”.

36And when she gave birth to the child, she said: “O my Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]! I surely have given birth to a girl; -yet Allah knew better what she has given birth to- a boy is not like a girl. And surely, I have named her Mary. And surely, I seek refuge in You for her and her family from Satan the Accused; the Expelled/the Slayer, the One Who invents fake speech and evil notions, the Devil who throw stones into the darkness”.

37Then her Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] accepted Mary with a beautiful acceptance. And He grew her a beautiful plant and made Zechariah a witness to Mary that she did not give birth to Jesus out of wedlock but without a father by the will of Allah. And whenever Zechariah entered upon her/in her room, he would find provisions with her. Zechariah asked: “O Mary! Where these come from?”. Mary said: “From Allah”. Surely, Allah bestows upon whomever He pleases His blessings.

Ali ‘Imran; 42-51

42,43And when the harbinger Ayat said: “O Mary! Surely, Allah has chosen you, made you pure and chose you above the women of all worlds [Al-Alemin]. O Mary! Show respect to your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer], surrender and prostrate before Him and glorify Allah with the man who glorifies Allah!”.

44This is what We have revealed to you from the significant news of the past which you cannot perceive. And you were not there when they cast their pens as to which of them to witness Mary. And you were not there when they were arguing.

45,46And when the harbinger Ayat said: “O Mary! Allah gives you the good tidings with a word from Him. His name will be Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary. He will be noble in the world and Akhirat [Afterlife]. And he will be among those who have been brought close, the righteous. He will talk to people as an adult of higher position. 48And Allah will teach him the Scripture, the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, mischief and chaos and the Bible with the Torah.

49-51And He will make him a messenger to Israelites to say, ‘The truth is I have brought/come upon you with evidence/a sign from your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]; surely, I design for you a clay; mud; ceramic object; thurible (censer) that resembles a bird. Then I blow into it; for an aerosol so, by the will of Allah, all that which cause illness will fly away like birds. I can heal the blind and the leper, resurrect the social dead by the will of Allah. I inform you about your food that you will eat and store in your houses; save to eat later. –If you believe, there is surely evidence/a sign in this for you.- I confirm the contents of Torah only which is contained in the Bible as well. I will make lawful a part of that which has been forbidden. I have brought to you evidence/a sign from your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Now surrender under the guardianship of Allah and follow me. Surely, Allah is my Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] and your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Therefore, worship Him! This is the righteous path’”.

As understood from the expression of Imran’s wife in Koran’s this passage, “My Rabb (Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer) no doubt I delivered Her as a girl; - - male is not like a female,” that Mary was born as the child of a devout family who expected a son, who preferred a son to a girl, and who discriminated male and female children. If we take the devoutness of the family and their devotion of their child to be born to serve to God, and the place of Holy Scriptures based woman in today’s Jews, into account, we may think that the reason for preferring a son to a daughter is that the girls were not provided with the opportunity to serve to the religion in the period of those days.

Mary’s gender

As we will provide in details below, we think that Mary was created in hermaphroditic nature as follows:
- In this passage in Ali Imran, wording of Our Rabb ((Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer), “However, Allah knows better to what She gave a birth,” is the notification that Mary is in fact not a girl.

-Also in this passage, when Our Rabb(Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer) uttered, “Upon this, Her Rabb accepted Mary through a good acknowledgement. And He completed Her as a beautiful plant,” He qualified Mary as a plant (She was not likened to a plant). It makes one think that Mary bears the features of a plant rather than a normal person. Having a plant feature for a person is not contrary to the rules of creation of Our Rabb because one of the stages of the creation is the stage of being a plant:
(Nuh (Noah): 17)
17And Allah made you grow from the earth like plants.
When the fact that Mary became pregnant subsequently without a male is taken into account, in the qualification of a plant, the probability is exhibited that She was in a "hermaphroditic " nature as shown in many of the plants with flowers; that is to say, She had both female and male reproductive organs.
Also in the verse, from the expressions, “And you were not with them when they were arguing about who would be guarantor to Mary. When they were arguing, you were not with them as well,” and “And He rendered Zachariah as a guarantor to Her,” it is understood that there became problems in the delivery of Mary to the chapel, that they dealt with the situation by drawing lot, and that, finally, Zachariah became guarantor of Mary in the chapel.

- Also in this passage, the selectness specified in the expression, “He chose her as the one above all the women of the universe,” states not Mary's superiority to other women because of Her skills but Her biological difference and excess, and the fact that She was not in the same build as the other women.

—Also in this passage, from the expression, “O Mary! Be a servant to your Rabb (Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer) by heart and surrender to Him and prostrate to Him along with those who prostrate to Him [those men who prostrate to Him]!” they said.” It is understood that Mary took the task of the males among men and that she carried it out. Use of the verb "prostrate" as er-Rakiîn in the verse as masculine, is not probably for the mere sake of rhyme.

- In the 92nd verse of the Surah of Al-’Anbya’, the pronouns pointing out Mary are “ehsanet, ferceha, fiyha, cealnaha, ibneha,” taking place as muennas [feminine], and one of the pronouns and an adverb in the 12th verse of the Surah of “fiyhi, kanitiyn” muzekkar [masculine], other is “elleti, ehsanat, ferceha, saddegat, rabbiha, kanet,” being muennas [feminine].

-As it will be seen below, in the Surah of Maryam, it was stated while starting the Mary passage on the 16th verse that, “She left Her family/acquaintances and escaped to somewhere to the north...” According to the above verses, Mary left Her family and Her acquaintances and went to a region in the north alone. There is no information regarding the age of Mary in that period and the reason of Her for leaving Her family. The ascriptions for Mary’s leaving of Her family such as “She was shy as She was subject to menstruation” or “Her pregnancy was Her excuse for leaving” are nothing more than subverting the original meaning of the verse. According to our opinion, Mary is a problematic person and she distanced herself from Her acquaintances due to Her problems; as follows:
The word “ إنتباذ intibaz” expressed within the verse means “to throw something in hand forward or backward, to depart alone, to go far away, and to discharge.” Hence, someone’s taking a seat at a corner which is far from humans is expressed with the word of “intebeze.” Therefore, the commentaries regarding this took reclusion in the part of Her house overlooking east or in the eastern corner of the chapel are contrary to the meaning of the word or the spirit of the verse. According to the meaning of the word, Mary detached from Her close environment and went away departing them. In short, Mary is a girl who escapes from home.
This condition is also understood from the expression in the 17th verse that “She acquired a curtain between Her family and herself,” because this expression means that She put a distance with and cut the contact from Her family, not that She drew a curtain in between. An example of this is seen in the expression given in the 32nd verse of the Surah of Sad, “I liked the love of hayir [wealth, interest] love because of my Rabb (Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer). –Finally they passed behind the curtain.-”
The fact that Mary is in hermaphroditic nature also explains the reason that She left Her family to live in somewhere else. So, Mary, as can be done by every person with problems, left Her home with the psychological inconvenience caused by the difference in Her body.

- In addition, Mary's expression that No human has touched me is also an expression that is suitable for Her hermaphroditic nature because Mary did not say "No man has touched me " but rather She used an expression that can be used for both men and women.

No information is provided in the Koran regarding Mary’s life between Her birth and abandoning of Her family. The information given in the verses that are our subject matter is the information belonging to Mary’s adult age.

Blowing of the spirit into Mary
(Al-’Anbiya’: 91)

91And as for that woman who meticulously protected her chastity; We informed her with our reliable knowledge. We made her and her son evidence/a sign for all worlds [Al-Alemin].

(At-Tahrim; 12)
12And Allah has given the example of Mary, daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity like a castle. We informed her but a little with Our Wahy [Revelation]. And she confirmed the words and scriptures of her Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] and she was devoutly respectful.

(An-Nisa'; 171)

171O Companions of the Scripture! Do not transgress in your religion. And do not utter false statements about Allah. Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary, is only a messenger of Allah and His words directed/bestowed upon Mary and a soul from Himself; he was a man born by revelation. Then, believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, “Three”. Desist, it would be better for you. Allah is the One God. Exonerated is He from begetting children. That which is in the Heavens and on the Earth belong only to Him. Allah is sufficient as the “One Who arranges all creatures according to a schedule and maintains, supports and implements that schedule”.

The expression of blowing a spirit mentioned in the first two verses given above are explained in the 17th verse of the Surah of by the word of القا - ilka = leaving, transporting. The expression of Blowing a Spirit means "Informing with little knowledge." The spirit that is specified to have been blown to Mary is not a physical blow to Her womb in order for Her to get pregnant but the divine messages sent through Prophet Zachariah. The content of these messages takes place in the Surahs of Maryam and Ali ‘Imran as follows:

Maryam 16- 21:
16Relate to Mary in the Scripture! When she left her family/relatives and fled to a place in the East.

17Then, she secluded herself from her family/relatives behind a curtain and We sent her Our Soul/Divine Message134 and the Messenger who carried Our Soul/Divine Message to her appeared as a perfectly built man.

18Mary said: “I indeed seek refuge in Rahman [Allah; The One Who is Most Merciful Toward His Creations on the Earth] from you. If you are under the guardianship of Allah…”.

19The Messenger/Zachariah said: “I merely am a Messenger of Allah sent to bestow you a pure boy”.

20Mary said: “How can I have a boy? No man has ever touched me. And I am not an outlaw/unchaste person”.

21The Messenger said: “Thus will it be! Your Rabb says: ‘It is easy for me to bestow a child without a father. Then We will make him evidence/sign from Ourselves”. And thus it was made.

Ali ‘Imran/42-51

42,43And when the harbinger Ayat said: “O Mary! Surely, Allah has chosen you, made you pure and chose you above the women of all worlds [Al-Alemin]. O Mary! Show respect to your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer], surrender and prostrate before Him and glorify Allah with the men who glorify Allah!”.

44This is what We have revealed to you from the significant news of the past which you cannot perceive. And you were not there when they cast their pens as to which of them to witness Mary. And you were not there when they were arguing.

45,46And when the harbinger Ayat said: “O Mary! Allah gives you the good tidings with a word from Him. His name will be Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary. He will be noble in the world and Akhirat [Afterlife]. And he will be among those who have been brought close, the righteous. He will talk to people as an adult of higher position. 48And Allah will teach him the Scripture, the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, mischief and chaos and the Bible with the Torah.

49-51And He will make him a messenger to Israelites to say, ‘The truth is I have brought/come upon you with evidence/a sign from your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]; surely, I design for you a clay; mud; ceramic object; thurible (censer) that resembles a bird. Then I blow into it; for an aerosol so, by the will of Allah, all that which cause illness will fly away like birds. I can heal the blind and the leper, resurrect the social dead by the will of Allah. I inform you about your food that you will eat and store in your houses; save to eat later. –If you believe, there is surely evidence/a sign in this for you.- I confirm the contents of Torah only which is contained in the Bible as well. I will make lawful a part of that which has been forbidden. I have brought to you evidence/a sign from your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Now surrender under the guardianship of Allah and follow me. Surely, Allah is my Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] and your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Therefore, worship Him! This is the righteous path’”.

Christians allege that Mary became pregnant to Jesus Christ when She was thirteen, that Jesus Christ stayed in this world for thirty two years and a few days until He was ascended to heaven [!], and that Mary lived for six more years until Jesus Christ was ascended. Accordingly, this means that Mary passed away in Her fifties.

Mary’s delivery of Jesus Christ
We follow this subject from the Koran’s Surah of Maryam:

Maryam 16-34

16Relate to Mary in the Scripture! When she left her family/relatives and fled to a place in the East.

17Then, she secluded herself from her family/relatives behind a curtain and We sent her Our Soul/Divine Message134 and the Messenger who carried Our Soul/Divine Message to her appeared as a perfectly built man.

18Mary said: “I indeed seek refuge in Rahman [Allah; The One Who is Most Merciful Toward His Creations on the Earth] from you. If you are under the guardianship of Allah…”.

19The Messenger/Zachariah said: “I merely am a Messenger of Allah sent to bestow you a pure boy”.

20Mary said: “How can I have a boy? No man has ever touched me. And I am not an outlaw/unchaste person”.

21The Messenger said: “Thus will it be! Your Rabb says: ‘It is easy for me to bestow a child without a father. Then We will make him evidence/sign from Ourselves”. And thus it was made.

22Then Mary conceived the boy. And then she escaped to a far away place.

23Then labor pains forced her to lean on a date tree trunk. She said: “I wish I had died before this and fell into oblivion”.

24-26Then the one who is below her; Zachariah called her: “Do not be sad, Your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] made a stream flowing beneath. Shake the date trunk toward yourself so that ripe, fresh dates will fall upon you. Then eat and drink, and be glad. And if you see a man say: “I have vowed a fast for Rahman [Allah; The One Who is Most Merciful Toward His Creations on the Earth], so I will not speak to anyone today”.

27,28Thereafter, Mary carried her boy to her people. Her people said: “O Mary! Truly, you have done a thing unseen. O sister of Aaron! Your father was not a bad person and your mother was not an outlaw/unchaste person”.

29Them Mary pointed to him; the one who was below her during the childbirth; Zachariah, and asked him to explain the situation. Zachariah swore by Mary that she had borne the boy without committing adultery and ordered them to raise the boy at the temple. They said: “How can we, chiefs of our people, speak to a child who has not reached the puberty/How do chiefs speak to a child who has not reached the puberty yet?”.

34He is Jesus [Isa], son of Mary, about whom they have been disputing according to the Truth, and who says: “30Surely, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet. 31He has rendered me blessed wherever I am. He has burdened me with the liability to fulfill Salat [Support others financially and spiritually; strive to enlighten the community] and Zaqat/tax as long as I live. 32And He has made me kind to my mother. And He has not made me a tyrant, an unhappy one. 33And peace be upon me, on the day I was born, on the day I will die, and on the day I will be resurrected. 36And surely, Allah is my Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer], and He is your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] as well. Then, serve Him, it is the righteous path”.

We are analyzing some points in the Surah of Maryam, in this passage that includes Mary as a subject:


In the 17th verse of Surah of Maryam, it is stated, “We sent our spirit /celestial message to Her and then the messenger who brought our spirit/messages gave Mary a perfect humanly example.”

As we stated in various parts of our work entitled Tabyin al Koran the word of “spirit” was always used in the Koran as “revelation, celestial knowledge.” The expression of “Blowing a spirit” means “informing with little knowledge.” Accordingly, Allah’s sending of Her spirit to Mary means that She was sent some knowledge through His messenger of Zachariah to Mary.

What is meant in this verse with the words “We have sent our spirit” is informing Mary, which was expressed in another verse with “We blew our spirit.” In summary, Prophet Zachariah, who was assigned to transmit the divine information previously provided to Him to Mary did His duty by way of telling Mary that She could deliver a child thanks to this man without needing a man and shown baby John the Baptist as a proof of this information. The angels specified in the 42nd and 43rd verses of the Surah of Ali ‘Imran are the verses sent the Mary through Prophet Zachariah.

Therefore the expression, “We have sent Her our spirit,” in the 17th verse means that “Mary was subject to some divine information.” However, this information was not directly revealed to Mary but sent through a messenger. This messenger is Prophet Zachariah who lived in that period.

The “Perfect human” that the messenger showed Mary as an example is Prophet Yahiya who was a newborn at that time because Prophet Yahiya was delivered to the world by His sterile mother thanks to this information provided to Prophet Zachariah by giving Her health back to Her.


In the original of the seventeenth verse of the Surah of Maryam, the expression of “fetemessele leha besheren saviyyen” is available. This expression has been translated by the traditionalists as “He showed Himself as a perfect human; Gabriel shown to Mary as a perfect human.” We are presenting the true meaning of this expression in its actual form:

Actual meaning of the word of “ تمثّل Affinity” means “exampling.” However, the word was used as its second and third meaning to mean “disguising into a human.” Those who conduct studies about the Koran usually preferred the distant meaning of this word instead of the actual one. In this sense, there have been the opinions that Gabriel came to Mary as a messenger and showed himself to Mary in the form of a lad in order to prevent Her from being afraid.

We are thinking that the word of “affinity” must be translated with its actual meaning. Evaluation of the word here with its actual meaning is harmonious with this expression of the Bible stated above:

Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in Her old age, and She who was said to be unable to conceive is in Her sixth month. (Luka; 1/36)

19th verse

The messenger who brought the information and messages sent by Allah to Mary provides the objective of the information He brought by saying Mary will be a zekiy [purely clean] lad thanks to this divine information.

22nd verse

This verse provides that Mary was convinced, became pregnant thanks to the information brought by the messenger, and then went to a place that was far from the place She then lived. According to some historical sources, this place is the province called Beyt el-Lahm [Bethlehem].

The reason of Mary’s second removal can be explained with the fact that She “hid Her condition.” While this issue is not mentioned in the Koran expressly, the word of “intibaz” in the verse are in the form that what is specified in the 23rd verse that Mary complains, “She said, “I wish I had died before this, and been completely forgotten!” demonstrates this explanation.

There are many sayings that when Mary was pregnant, She was 13, Her pregnancy took 9 months for some people or 8 months, 7 months, 6 months, or even 3 hours or 1 hour for some others, which were baseless and far from seriousness.

23rd verse

In this verse, it is expressed that Mary reached the end of Her pregnancy and Her delivery comes closer. Suffering the pain of pregnancy under a date tree, Mary is both exhausted and feeling herself desperate and lonely. Her words, “I wish I had died before this, and been completely forgotten!” show the severity of the concerned state She is in. these words are not the words of a woman who suffers the pain of delivering a child but the expressions that reflect the sadness and remorse of a woman who thinks of how She could hide His child She delivered in the manner that She could not explain.

In the passage consisting of the 24th and 26th verses of the Surah of Maryam, from the expression of “And shake the trunk of the palm-tree towards you, and it will drop ripe dates by you,” we see that in the season in which Prophet Jesus Christ was born, the dates were ripe. The expression of “Rutab” in the original of the verse is the stage of the dates between the months of July and August. In this case Prophet Jesus Christ was born in the middle of summer, not in December or January.

29-34th verses

Mary obeyed the advice of the Messenger and fasted and did not answer to the members of the tribe despite their sad accusations. In addition to Her silence, Prophet Zachariah who knew the events and who was close to Her during Her delivery and as to provide us with answers. Zachariah probably told all the events to the society and convinced them as conservative Jewish society did not rajm Mary, killing Her by throwing stones. Otherwise, this was inevitable.

Subsequent to this event, there is no detail regarding Mary and what She did or in which places She lived. However, in al-Muminun (Believers) /50th verse we provided above, it is said, “And We made Mary’s son and His mother a sign, and We sheltered them on high ground with security and flowing springs,” that shows that Mary left Palestine and went elsewhere to a hill with water, which was suitable for settlement together with Her son. Also in the verses of the Koran, it is stated that it was notified to His mother Mary before Jesus Christ was born that He would be an eye diseases physician and food protection expert, then it is expected that Mary must go somewhere that provides education in these subjects. Hence, as we learn that Prophet Jesus Christ was raised as a person who was an expert in the skin diseases, eye diseases, and food drying and storage, the place where Mary and Jesus Christ went to is KUMRAN. Jesus Christ was trained there at ALEXANDRIA school. And when He became a physician and a food expert, Allah sent Him to Israelites who suffered poverty and fought with eye diseases, as a messenger.

When Mary’s different nature in terms of gender is taken into account, the possibility of getting married and delivering other child than Jesus Christ may not be in question. In terms of Her activities, we believe that She carried out the task Our Rabb (Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer) gave Her through Prophet Zachariah until Her son became prophet is expressed in Ali ‘Imran/42, 43 as “O Mary, God has chosen you, and has purified you. He has chosen you over all the women of the world! O Mary, be devoted to your Rabb, and bow down, and kneel with those who kneel!” as required.
Mary was a happy woman who learned the gender of Her son and Her mission with the messages sent by Allah through Prophet Zachariah:

Ali Imran (Family of Imran); 45-51

45,46And when the harbinger Ayat said: “O Mary! Allah gives you the good tidings with a word from Him. His name will be Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary. He will be noble in the world and Akhirat [Afterlife]. And he will be among those who have been brought close, the righteous. He will talk to people as an adult of higher position. 48And Allah will teach him the Scripture, the laws, rules and principles that are set forth to prevent injustice, mischief and chaos and the Bible with the Torah.

49-51And He will make him a messenger to Israelites to say, ‘The truth is I have brought/come upon you with evidence/a sign from your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]; surely, I design for you a clay; mud; ceramic object; thurible (censer) that resembles a bird. Then I blow into it; for an aerosol so, by the will of Allah, all that which cause illness will fly away like birds. I can heal the blind and the leper, resurrect the social dead by the will of Allah. I inform you about your food that you will eat and store in your houses; save to eat later. –If you believe, there is surely evidence/a sign in this for you.- I confirm the contents of Torah only which is contained in the Bible as well. I will make lawful a part of that which has been forbidden. I have brought to you evidence/a sign from your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Now surrender under the guardianship of Allah and follow me. Surely, Allah is my Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] and your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Therefore, worship Him! This is the righteous path’”.

May Allah bless and rest His soul.

Written by Hakkı YILMAZ
Translated by Digital Translation (İstanbul)
Controlled by Murat Özcan (Chicago) and Ayşe Ay Yiğit (İzmir)

(Arab Language c:4, s.325. rym art.)
(Exodus: 15/20 and Issues: 26/59)

Known as bisexuality or hermaphrodite. Presence of male and female reproductive organs in the same individual. In majority of the plants with flowers hermaphrodite nature can be seen. [73–41]Ana Britannica; c:11, s:313)
Pseudohermaphroditism: ... In the female type pseudohermaphroditism , despite the presence of the testicles, secondary sexual features and external reproductive organs are similar to those of the male. Generally, in the adolescence period, secondary sexual features specific to woman also develop. ... In the male-type secondary sexual features, male-type pseudohermaphroditism, even if the testicles are present, secondary sexual features and external reproductive organs are similar to those of the female. In this case, the testosterone hormone secreted by the testicles in the fetus was unable to realize the required changes in the body for an unknown reason. In the most frequently encountered type, the external reproductive organs are completely in the form of female reproductive organs; in the adolescence period, female-specific secondary sexual features appear. However, the testicles and gamete chromosomes show that the person is a male. This type of disorder is diagnosed with the fact that in the child generally thought to be a girl, the menstruation period does not start even if She started Her adolescence period. As the tissues in the body do not respond to the gamete hormones or respond them very little, and as the external reproductive organs resemble those own the female, this child is raised as a girl. ..
(Arab Language; c.8, s.429. nbz art.)
(Kurtubi; Mary/16 About)

(Arab Language; c.8, p.200, 201. msl, affinity art.)
The ruins of Kumran known as Kirbet Kumran are present in today's Palestine’s Western Bank region. Situated to the northwest of the Dead Sea, to 13 km south of Eriha’s (Jericho) and approximately 40 km east of Jerusalem.
Kumran (ruins) is on a high hill overlooking the dead sea. By the side of the ruins, (to the west) the river of Kumran runs. Kumran River is a tributary of the Kidron River that comes from Jerusalem and flows into the Dead Sea.
Essenes used the water holding it with the dam on the Kumran River and carrying it to their sites through canals. Also thanks to the canals, they were able to irrigate the other orchards like vineyards and date farms in the Ein Feshkha (Einot Tzukim) region to the east of Kumran.
(Ein Feshkha is the plain area to the south of Kumran, between the Dead Sea and high hills; it is a coast)
11 caves where the Kumran manuscripts were found are dispersed along the site.)
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